Zv Z33 9 9 3v V Vé V) V Vv V6236x3b6sx - JAMA Dermatology
Showed a picture of dementia paralytica predominantly, the fifth pre¬ senting a purely tabetic picture with the exception of a typical dementia paralytica colloidal gold curve of the spinal fluid. ... View This Document
Ou médecine « pour sa découverte de la valeur thérapeutique de l'inoculation de la malaria dans le traitement de la dementia paralytica [1] ... Read Article
Pugilistica - JAMA
Dementia Pugilisticain Ex-Boxers Like"dementiaparalytica"and"dementiapraecox," the term "dementia pugilistica,"first introduced by Millspaugh in 1937 to describe the posttraumatic sequelae of boxing, lacks precision and specificity. The completedisorganizationofpersonalityimplicit ... View Document
Neoarsphenamine. 1933, - JAMA Network
NEOARSPHENAMINE TO MANAGE COURSE OF FEVER IN THERA-PEUTIC MALARIA C. W. F. WINCKEL, M.D. Malariologist of the Psychiatric Clinics AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Recently Cole and his associates 1 reported on the ment of dementia paralytica has been applied since 1921. ... Return Doc
I Ii Iz9349389zx - JAMA Ophthalmology
DRAKE—OCULAR SYPHILIS 585 ings. Kenzofujiwara 12 found only slight inflammatory changes in 19 cases of tabes dorsalis and dementia paralytica with atrophy of the optic ... View Full Source
Masochistic PersonalityDisorder: A Diagnosis UnderConsideration
Masochistic PersonalityDisorder: A Diagnosis UnderConsideration A. Kenneth Fuller, M.D. In the past three decades, Krafft-Ebingbelieved that dementia paralytica was caused by syphilis. To prove his contention, he innoculated nine patients who had dementia ... Fetch This Document
The Cube - Harvard University
I try to use The Cube of Abnormal Psychology (I made it up) as a framework. It is a space with 3 axes: normal-abnormal, Dementia Paralytica. Mind example. Post traumatic stress disorder. Medical / Societal Axis. Medical. Dementia Paralytica (again) Societal Axis. ... Fetch Content
Dementia paralytica, the epileptic, and the hysteric. With regard to the toxic forms, very little will be said. In the paralytic dement types, the mental and physical conditions found are so absolutely pathognomonic that ... Get Document
Zur Differentialdiagnose Zwischen Dementia Paralytica Und ...
Dementia paralytica und Lues des Zentralnervensystems. 383 Wie man sieht, bleibt hier ein bedeutender EiweiBrest, der sich nicht ... Doc Viewer
Neurosyphilis Dementia Caused By Syphilis
Dementia Caused by Syphilis. Neurosyphilis is a disease that is caused a microorganism, a spirochete called T.pallidum that is transmitted during sexual intercourse but can also be caught through theoretically from blood transfusions and perinatal contact (period immediately before and after birth). ... Read Article
DEMENTIA PARALYTICA Findings at normal body temperature and during fever are shown. cardiacoutput, andinrenalandhepaticbloodflow. These changes occur even in the absence of fever. Therelative importance, therefore, of temperature elevation versus pyrogenic material as factors ... Access Document
ICD 10 Tip Sheet Dementia
Multi-infarct (coded as vascular dementia) Paralytica, paralytic (syphilitic) Paretic Praecox (coded as schizophrenia) Presenile Primary degenerative Progressive, syphilitic Senile Vascular (acute onset) (mixed) (multi-infarct) (subcortical) ... Read More
The World Journal Of Biological Psychiatry - ResearchGate
Dementia Paralytica (Neurosyphilis): A Clinical Case Study Nikola Ilankovic, Maja Ivkovic, Dragoclav Sokic, Andrej Ilankovic, Srdjan Milovanovic, Branislav Filipovic, Daniela Tiosavljevic, Vera Ilankovic, Vera Bojic ... Retrieve Document
The Biological Approach To Psychiatry: History And Prospects
The Biological Approach to Psychiatry: History and Prospects brain pathology is dementia paralytica which, at the beginning 1). It is a progressive mental illness that may begin with manic behavior and grandiosity, and pro- gress to dementia and paralysis. Originally considered to be ... Return Doc
Alzheimer's Disease - A Neurospirochetosis. Analysis Of The ...
In dementia paralytica, cerebral atrophy and schizophrenia. Arch Neurol Psychiat 1942, 47:793. Alzheimer’s disease - a neurospirochetosis. Analysis of the evidence following Koch’s and Hill’s criteria. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2011 8:90. Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central ... Document Retrieval
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Distribution and further analysis of these cases is presented in table 5. An analysis of this table shows that of 72 cases of juvenile dementia paralytica in which both parents were syphilitic, in 29 (40.3 per cent) ... Access This Document
(37 - JAMA Internal Medicine
Dementia paralytica there may occasionally occur exacerbations of the existing psychoses or the development of new symptoms. Confusion, agitation, hallucinations and convulsions may sometimes develop. In persons with tabes dorsalis lightning pains and urinary difficulties may ... Fetch Doc
1— 21 266 V V 61 1 1ó 15 1 11 1/:6/x6b/0) - JAMA Network
Quent to this therapy symptoms of dementia paralytica gradually disappeared, and no further treatment was given. The perimetric field of September 1947 showed considerably less contraction (fig. 2). Examination of the spinal fluid in May 1948 ... Get Content Here
What Was The Cause Of Nietzsche’s dementia? - Leonard Sax
Always assumed to be ‘‘dementia paralytica’’ – also known as general paresis of the insane, progressive paralysis, or paretic syphilis If Nietzsche’s dementia was not caused by syphilis, then what was the cause? The available data do ... Retrieve Doc
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